Friday, 18 June 2010


Just because there was indeed another reason for An-nerd-ette wearing make-up,it does not mean that I am bonkers...but I suppose you could call me that if you want to,because I do know that I am better than YOU!!!
Well now for the reason why she wore make-up???
   It wasn't because a teacher said that she had to or because starring in some musical....and it definitely is not my vision problem!!!I went to meet the the ophthamologist  and he problem with my vision yet :)
Don't ask me how I went there,let's just say it involves a tale with the sewers which you would not want to hear about and I pinky swear that I do not STINK!!!
  An-nerd-ette(I probably should stop calling her that with her new behavioural changes...hey maybe my new year wish would come true after all...any guesses about what that is???) wore make-up because she wanted a certain someone(wink) to notice her!!!That is an illogical an irrational I make myself clear???
   I was so shocked to find out...I'm sure I would have a cardiac arrest at such a young age!!!
Who knew An-nerd-ette could ever do that???

I'm still in shock and no I don't need that shock thingy that doctors do to make people come back alive....!
I will survive!!!

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


Oh my gawsh!!!
It takes a lot to rattle a table like me.I don't get astonished just like that watching randomly weird things like polar bears bathing in Hawaii or meeting a cat-loving dog!!!Yes I know I'm cool and awesome and interpol should practically recruit me for my tough-ness....-sigh- enough about me although there is much to boast about,I am not a bit pompous ;) So do you know what completely flabbergasted me??? I saw An-nerd-ette wearing make-up!!!
    She wore eye-shadow Can you believe it?I practically had a fit of surprise!!!Either my cluttered up-ness was going to the peak and I was delusional...or I had vision problems which I had realised suddenly or the only logical explanation I can come up with is that An-nerd-ette had a new teacher who had by some law decreed that not wearing make up was a punishable offence...!!!Yes that could be the perfect reason!
  I'm glad that the teacher had done that.Not that Annette wasn't pretty,she was in fact quite cute with blond hair and blue eyes.She could just use a little bit make-up and do normal stuff unlike the weird stuff she did like burrowing her head into books all the time.  I just hope this takes a different turn of events and that there is some other rational or logical reason for this although I think its quite unlikely that anyone can come up with a better reason???I would guffaw at them...Not only am I super unshakeable but I'm super intelligent too!!!